Organic farming in the world/世界有机农业
Positive numbers and useful tools to encourage and strengthen your commitment./正面的数据报道和有用的工具可以鼓励和增强人们对有机农业的信心。
"In 2011, worldwide organic farming represented 37.5 million hectares and 1.8 million farms performed a turnover of 45 billion euros according to the Agence Bio. This growth follows the increase by four of the consumption of organic products. It's concentrated in North America and Western Europe (mainly France and Germany) while the majority of cultivated areas are in Australia (one third of global agricultural land) but also in Latin America and Asia (1/4 in India). In other words, the satisfaction of consumers of organic products is based on massive imports North-South of agricultural products./ “2011年,据法国有机农业发展推广机构Agence Bio统计,全球37.5百万公顷和1.8百万个农场的有机农业产值达到了450亿欧元。这种增长意味着有机产品的消费量增长了4倍,而且这种增长情况集中在北美和西欧(主要是法国和德国),然而大部分耕地在澳大利亚(占全球农业用地的三分之一)、拉丁美洲和亚洲(印度占1/4)。换句话说,消费者对有机产品的满足是基于大量进口的南北农产品之上的。
These two past years, the growth rate of the converted organic surfaces is the highest in France and Spain, followed by the Poland and the Canada. In the EU, we count closed to 237,000 farms on 10 million hectares. Two-thirds are in Germany, France and Austria./在过去的两年中,法国和西班牙有机转换耕地面积的增长率是最高的,其次是波兰和加拿大。在欧盟,我们统计出近237,000个农场共1千万公顷,三分之二是在德国、法国和奥地利。
The evolution of the consumption of organic products is based on programmes carried out by Governments in the catering by imposing a proportion of ingredients in meals distributed to convert a large number of person to this mode of supply. »/ 这种有机产品消费的演变是基于政府在公共饮食业执行的政策,这项政策是通过为很多人增加食物中有机成分比例这种供应方式推进的。»
Sources:Agence Bio,
来源 :法国有机农业发展推广机构Agence Bio,
Better understand the challenges of organic farming through thematic leaflets/通过主题宣传册更好地了解有机农业的挑战
IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) proposes you leaflets with information on various aspects and issues related to Organic Agriculture./ IFOAM(国际有机农业运动联盟)建议宣传册中应包含涉及有机农业问题的各个方面的信息及相关事宜。
Enhance your commitment through communication tools/通过宣传工具增强人们对有机农业的承诺
· The European Commission proposes a "Toolbox" for the organic agriculturesector professionals. Communication and marketing available supports are free and available in 22 languages, to help you promote organic agriculture./欧盟委员会建议为有机农业专业人士建立一个“工具箱”,提供22种语言,为沟通和市场营销提供免费支持,用以推进有机农业的发展。
· Your communication on the Ecocert brand/建立在Ecocert品牌上的沟通
Reminder on the "rules of use of the marks and logo Ecocert"applicable when the Ecocert is used or reference is made to Ecocert or certification. /当Ecocert被使用或涉及在证书或由Ecocert操作的活动中时,应提醒其符合“使用Ecocert商标和标识的规则”
Third countries: Move to version 03.01 of EOS (Ecocert Organic Standard)/•第三国:参看EOS(Ecocert有机标准)03.01版本
Move to version 03.01 of EOS: changes to take in account and update of the certification process in third countries./参看EOS(Ecocert有机标准)的 03.01版本:已考虑并更新了对第三国认证过程的变化。
Version 03.01 of EOS(Ecocert Organic Standard) shall be applied since the 25th of July 2013, following the publication of the EU Regulation No 586/2013./继欧盟法规586/2013的发布,EOS(Ecocert有机标准) 03.01版将从2013年7月25日开始实施。
The changes in the new version of EOS are related mainly to the regulatory amendments of the European Commission in 2012 namely/EOS新版本的变化主要涉及欧盟委员会在 2012年的法规修订,即:
· the EU Reg. No. 203/2012 for organic wine/欧盟对于有机葡萄酒的法规203/2012
· the EU Reg No.505/2012 for feeds./欧盟对于饲料的法规505/2012
· EOS version 03.01 sums up all the requirements of both EU Regulations 834/2007 and889/2008as regards animal (including aquaculture animals) and plant production rules (including seaweeds), processing rules (for food including wine and feed) except rules concerning the production of organic yeast. /EOS 03.01版总结了欧盟理事会有机农业标准834/2007和889/2008这两个欧盟法规中除了有机酵母生产以外的全部有关动物(包括水产养殖动物),植物生产规定(包括海藻),加工规定(用于食品包括葡萄酒和饲料)的要求,。
The certification of grower groups depends on the Guide », drawn up by the European Commission in 2008 «Guidelines for the evaluation of the equivalence of organic producer group certification schemes applied in developing countries »/小农户组织的认证依赖于«适用于发展中国家有机小农户组织认证计划的等效性评估指南» ,该指南由欧盟委员会于2008年制定。
The annexes are the same as those of the EU Regulation No.889/08 except:/该版本附件与欧盟法规889/08是一样的,以下几点除外
- Annex II : adding of vinegar as weed control device and calcium carbide for flower induction (both substances were already listed in version 02 of EOS)/附件II:增加了醋用作杂草控制和电石用于催花(这两种物质均已列在EOS 02版本中)
- Annex VIII A(additives) /:附件VIIIA(添加剂)
ü Adding bee wax and carnauba wax E901 and E903 as additives (in the EU Reg 889/08 they are authorized only as processing aid)/ 添加了蜂蜡和巴西棕榈蜡E901和E903作为添加剂(在欧盟委员会有机农业标准889/08中他们被授权只能作为加工助剂)
ü Adding of foodstuffs of plant origin in the specific conditions of use of sodium citrates E 331 (in EU Regulation No. 889/08, this additive may be used only for foodstuffs of animal origin)/添加了可使用植物来源食品制备的柠檬酸纳Ë331的限制条件(在欧盟委员会有机农业标准889/08中,该添加剂只可使用动物来源性的食品制备)
ü Adding organic candelilla wax E 902/添加有机小烛树蜡Ë902
ü Adding of steviol glycosides (E 960 (artificial sweetener)/添加甜菊糖甙(E960(人工甜味剂)
- Annex VIII B(Processing Aids) : adding of sulphuric acid for the production of organic candelilla wax/附件VIII B(加工助剂):填加了硫酸用于有机小烛树蜡的生产
Update of the Certification Process under Ecocert Organic Standard (EOS) in third countries/Ecocert有机标准(EOS)中对第三国认证流程的更新
We have updatedour technical sheet Certification Process according to EOS, equivalent to the European regulation n°834/2007 and 889/2008. The latter reminds you of your rights and duties as regards certification during the whole process./我们已经根据EOS认证流程更新了我们的技术文件,等同于欧盟委员会有机农业标准834/2007和889/2008。稍后会提醒你们在整个认证过程中有关的权利和义务。
Please be careful to update your communication documents with reference to EOS./请仔细更新涉及EOS的宣传文件。
Implementation of Regulation (UE) N°392/2013: coming into force on 1st January 2014/欧盟法规(UE)392/2013的实施:2014年1月1日强制实施
NewRegulation (UE) N°392/2013 changing the European control system for organic production and amending Regulation (EC) N°889/2008, was issued in the Official Journal of 30 April 2013: /新欧盟法规(UE)392/2013改变了欧盟有机产品控制体系,并修订了欧盟委员会有机农业标准889/2008,该法规于2013年4月30日官方发布:
· Additional definition of “control files”/增加了“控制文件”的定义
· Art.63 : Operateurs - additional requirements for all operators (included operators already under control) in the signed declaration effective on 1 st January 2014/63条:操作者-增加了对所有已签署声明的操作者(包括已被认证的操作者)在2014年1月1日生效的要求
· Art.65 : Control Bodies (CB) - minimum numbers of analysed sampling (equivalent to 5% of the number of operators)/65条:认证机构( CB)-分析取样的最小数量(相当于操作者数量的5%)
· Art.68 : Documentary evidence – the signature is not required on electronic certificates if the authentication of the documentary evidence can be verified via a tamper-proof electronic method/68条:证明文件-如果需要的书面认可证据可以通过一个防篡改的电子方法进行验证,那么电子证书上不需要签名。
· Art.92a and 92b : exchange of information between control bodies, between Member States, publication (new art.92b replaces old art.92a)/92a和92b条:认证机构间、各成员国间、公众间的信息交换(新92b条取代了旧92a条)
· Art.92c to 92f (new articles) : supervision of CB by competent authorities, CB risk analyses procedures (minimum numbers of random control visits equivalent to 10% of the number operators, 10% of the total number of unannounced control visits, rotation of inspectors), implementation of the catalogue of sanctions by compentent authorities, annual report data to be provided./92c 条到92f条(新条款):主管当局对认证机构的监督,认证机构的风险分析程序(监督检查的最小实施数量应当占操作者的10%,所有未通知检查占10%,不同的检查员),将由主管部门实施制裁措施,提供年度报告的数据。
The regulation will come into force on 1st January 2014 and will apply to the European Union only to start with.We are currently reviewing procedures with a view to integrate the new requirements to the EOS (Ecocert Organic Standard) for third countries./该法规将于2014年1月1日开始生效,并将仅从欧盟开始适用。我们现在正在核查我们的程序,将新的有关第三国的要求整合到 EOS(Ecocert有机标准)中。
NOP ( National Organic Program) regulatory changes/ NOP(美国有机农业标准)法规变化
Changes were implemented for some substances, one concerning crop production (NOP §205.601) and 4 concerning processed products (NOP §205.605 and 205.606)./对于某些物质的变化要求已经开始执行,一个是关于作物生产的(NOP §205.601), 4个是关于加工产品的(NOP §205.605和205.606)。
NOP § 205.601
Peracetic acid(effective 29 May 2013) Current allowance continues and in addition the following specification is added: Also permitted in hydrogen peroxide formulations as allowed in § 205.601 at concentration of no more than 6% as indicated on the pesticide product label./ 过氧乙酸(2013年5月29日生效)当前仍然允许使用,只是添加了以下几点规范补充:在§205.601中过氧化氢制剂也被允许使用,其在农药产品标签上标明浓度不超过6%。
NOP § 205.605
Silicon dioxide(effective 3 November 2013 with all products in compliance by 3 November 2014)/二氧化硅(2013年11月3日与所有于2014年11月3日前符合的产品一起生效)
Actually, silicon dioxide is allowed without any condition; from 3 Nov 2013, it will be usable ONLY as defoamer OR if organic rice hulls are not commercially available in the appropriate form, quality or quantity to replace its use./实际上,二氧化硅可以没有任何条件的使用;从2013年11月3日开始,它将只能作为消泡剂或者只有当有机稻壳无法通过商业途径适当的获得一定质量或数量时,以代替其使用。
· Potassium hydroxide (effective 29 May 2013)/氢氧化钾(2013年5月29日生效)
Until now, potassium hydroxide was usable only for peeling peaches during IQF production process. From now on, this substance can still be used only for peeling peaches but for any processes (not only for IQF)./直到目前为止,氢氧化钾只能被用于IQF生产加工期间的桃子剥皮。从现在开始,这种物质仍然也是只能用于桃子剥皮却是适用于任何加工期间(而不仅仅是IQF生产加工期间)
NOP § 205.606
· Beta carotene extract color(effective 29 May 2013)/β-胡萝卜素(2013年5 月29日生效)
Until now, Beta carotene color was usable only if derivated from carrots. From now on, this color may also be sourced from algae (+ unavailability in organic form to prove in order to be used in « organic » products)./直到目前为止,β-胡萝卜素只能使用从胡萝卜中提取的。从现在开始,这种色素也可以是来自与藻类植物(+无法以有机方式获得的证明,才能在«有机»产品中使用)。
· Annato extract color(effective 3 November 2013 with all products in compliance by 3 Nov 2014)/胭脂树提取色素(2013年11月3 日与所有于2014年11月3日前符合的产品一起生效)
From 3 Nov 2013, this color will be removed from § 606, it means that it will have to be organic in order to be used in « organic » products (if use in non-organic form, the product will be classified as « made with … »)./从2013年11月3日起,这种色素将从§606中删除,这意味着它将必须 是有机的,如果要在«有机»产品中使用(如果这种物质是非有机形式,那么终产品将被列为«有机制造...»)。
NOP: New Guidances in the Handbook/NOP ,手册中的新指南
The U.S. Department of Agriculture published 3 new guidances concerning the use of annual seedlings and non-organic seeds and planting stock in organic crop production and the organic livestock feed (use of kelp; evaluation of allowed ingredients and sources of vitamins and minerals)./美国农业部公布3个关于在有机作物生产和有机畜禽 饲料中使用一年生种苗和非有机种子以及繁殖材料的新指南(海带的使用;允许使用的成分和维生素来源以及矿物质的评估)。
· Seeds, annual seedlings and planting stock in organic crop production/种子、一年生种苗和繁殖材料在有机作物生产中的运用
This guidance describes practices for operators to demonstrate their efforts to procure all organic seeds, annual seedlings, and planting stock in support of their organic system plan (OSP). This guidance clarifies “equivalent variety” and also describes the form, quality, or quantity criteria that need to be met before seeds or planting stock can be categorized as commercially unavailable as organic and which records are necessary. /该指南为操作者介绍了他们应为获得所有的有机种子、一年生种苗以及繁殖材料所做出的努力,以支持他们的有机系统计划(OSP)的做法。该指南明确了“等同性品种”,还介绍了种子和繁殖材料能被归类为按照商业途径不可获得有机类别所应符合的形式,质量或数量的标准、 以及哪些记录是必要的。
This guidance describes also the inputs (pesticides, pelleting, inoculant) that may be used for the treatment of the seed and planting stock./该指南还对可用于种子和繁殖材料处理的投入物(农药、制粒、接种剂)进行了介绍。
· Use of kelp in organic livestock feed/海带在有机禽畜饲料中的使用
This guidance establishes that kelp is to be considered as an agricultural product that may be certified organic as a wild crop under 7 CFR § 205.207 and must be certified organic if used as an ingredient in livestock feed per § 205.237./本指南规定,海带可以被认为是农业产品按照 CFR第7条§ 205.207认证为野生采集的有机产品,并且按照§205.237如果用作禽畜饲料的成分必须经过有机认证。
All kelp used in organic livestock feed should be certified organic by March 4, 2014. This timeframe provides a 12 month phase-in period after issuance of this final guidance for sources of kelp to become certified and commercially available as organic/2014年3月4日所有用于有机畜禽饲料中的海带都应获得有机认证。该指南签发后的此段期间为海带进行认证以及商业途径获得有机海带来源提供了12个月的缓冲期。
· Evaluating allowed ingredients and sources of vitamins and minerals for organic livestock feed/允许用于有机畜禽饲料的成分和维生素以及矿物质的评估
This guidance clarifies the agricultural, non-synthetic, and synthetic ingredients permitted in organic livestock feed. This guidance also addresses the feed supplements and feed additives that must be reviewed for compliance with the USDA organic regulations./ 该指南对有机畜禽饲料中允许使用的农业、非合成以及合成的成分做出了说明。该指南也列出了饲料添加剂和饲料添加助剂必须按照美国农业部有机法规的符合性进行评审。
The guidance insists on the fact that every agricultural ingredients (even carriers and diluents in vitamins and minerals premix) must be organic and that every slaughter by-products from poultry or mammalian sources cannot be used (even minerals sourced from bone)./该指南强调这样一个事实,那就是每种农业成分(即使是维生素和矿物质预混物的载体和稀释剂)必须是有机的,和每种来自禽类或哺乳动物的屠宰副产品是不能使用的(即使是来自骨头的矿物质)。